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Badminton Strategy Course
Update Logs
Update on 10 July Version 1.02 (1:24)
Update on 24 July V 1.03
Section 1 Introduction
1.1 Welcome to the program (3:10)
1.2 Goals for this program (2:52)
1.3 My personal story (9:39)
Section 1 feedback
Section 2 Foundational principles & framework in badminton strategy and why they work
2.1 What this section is all about (0:57)
2.2 Strength & weakness framework (From my YouTube video)
2.3 A more comprehensive way to craft your strategy by looking at capabilities (5:28)
2.4 A secret way of analyzing strategy (6:24)
2.5 A better way to think about defensive & offensive shots (2:21)
2.6 Attackers' natural advantage (4:38)
Section 2 feedback
Section 3 Evergreen tactics for the beginners/low intermediate players
3.1 Power as an advantage (2:49)
3.2 Hitting away from your opponent (3:05)
3.3 Pushing to the baseline backhand (3:06)
3.4 Net and smash tactic (6:04)
3.5 Setup then attack (5:14)
Section 3 feedback
Section 4 Unhelpful Tactical Advice on YouTube
Introduction to section 4
4.1a Triangle strategy video (From YouTube)
4.1b Limitations of the triangle strategy (4:28)
4.2a 7 Tactical advice video (From YouTube)
4.2b Limitations of the tactical advice video (8:28)
Overall feedback form
More Coming soon! Section 5 How I Manage Nervousness During Competitions
5.1 Introduction to Section 5 (2:24)
5.2 Why Do We Get Nervous? The Psychological and Physiological Effects of Anxiousness (2:59)
5.3 My Best Methods of Reducing/Minimizing Anxiety Before the Big Match (7:19)
5.4 Additional Resources to Manage Anxiety During Competitions
More Coming soon! Section 6 How to Win Games - Tactics to Win Competitions (DURING the match)
6.1 Introduction to Module 6 (3:29)
6.2 Understanding focus and momentum (9:15)
6.3 6 Ways to Break a Losing Momentum (2:28)
6.4 Tactic #1 Early game wins (4:51)
6.5 Tactic #2 the War Cry (4:36)
6.6 Tactic #3 The Absorber (4:19)
6.7 Tactic #4 & #5 Maximum Focus: How to start your rally with maximum focus (6:06)
6.8 Tactic #6 Always think of how you can COUNTER their weapons (2:59)
More Coming soon! Section 7 Managing Different Environmental Conditions
Notes on the upcoming curriculum in module 7
7.3 Fast vs Slow Shuttles, How Temperature Affects the Shuttle and How to Play (6:36)
6.4 Tactic #1 Early game wins
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