Introduction to section 4

Welcome to section 4!

By now you would have gained a good understanding of badminton principles, how you can craft badminton strategies and an understanding of how a lot of coaches think when they recommend certain strategy.

In this section we will be going through some of the badminton strategy videos on YouTube, and my goal for the end of this section is that you will be able to

  1. Understand the missing context, as to why these coaches recommend those tactics
  2. Understand the deeper underlying principles and concepts that led to the recommendation of those tactics
  3. The implications, risks and rewards of using those tactics

I have full respect for these coaches and I hope you understand that my work is to help everyone understand, critique and learn so that we all can benefit more.


After watching every YouTube video, I would like you to think and write 1 sentence about the pros and cons of the tactics that are recommended by the coaches, and the principles behind recommending based on concepts we have learned in section 2 & 3.

Are you ready? Let's get started!

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